Deutsche & Japaner is a creative studio based in Mannheim and Berlin, offering services in various disciplines. Expanding the spectrum from graphic design, branding, scenography and art direction, to packaging and type development, the studio’s work embraces holistic examination from research and concept to creation, irrespective of its digital or analog nature.
Selected Clients
- Aesop
- Alicia Keys
- Armedangels
- Bose
- Bruno Mars
- bulthaup
- Dorothee Schumacher
- Givenchy
- Ignant
- Jay-Z
- Nike
- RocNation
- Saint Laurent Paris
- Sennheiser
- Sony Music
- Solomun
- Tohru Nakamura
- Universal Music
- …
Deutsche & Japaner
Fritz-Salm-Str. 3a
68167 Mannheim
+49 621 43766211
Berlin Studio
Simplonstr. 54
10245 Berlin
+49 30 40757607
- Library Paper
- Printed Pages – It’s Nice That
- Monocle UK
- M – Le magazine du Monde
- Lodown Magazine
- Vogue US
- Garagisme
- MIN – Thames & Hudson
- Monocle
- Design Origin: Germany, viction:ary
- Brothers Magazine
- Desktop Magazine
- HOW Int. Design Awards Annual
- QVEST Magazine
- Étapes Magazine
- Euroman Magazine
- IdN mag
- …
- Forward Festival, Berlin & Vienna
- WLGD, Copenhagen
- FAD, Barcelona
- Graphic Design Biennial, Brno
- tgm, Munich
- UDK Medialectures, Berlin
- Projektil Festival, Weimar
- Art Directors Club, Hamburg
- KD-Lounge, Konstanz
- Paperness, Stuttgart
- Art Directors Club, Stuttgart
- About Talks, Mainz
- BHSOA, Moscow
- Beyonderground, Hasselt
- Muthesius, Kiel
- IMG Lab, Rotterdam
- AVA, Frankfurt
- Grafill, Oslo
- Magdalena Festival, Maribor
- mcbw, Munich
- ZHDK, Zurich
- Hfk Bremen, Bremen
- TYPO, London
- dmexco, Cologne
- Burg Giebichenstein, Halle
- TYPO, Berlin
- …
Seoul, South Korea 2019 -
Soirée Graphique
Bern, Switzerland 2017 -
United Notions
Moscow, Russia 2015 -
Analog Mensch Digital
Berlin, Germany 2014 -
Big Type
Moscow, Russia 2013 -
Mainz, Germany 2012 -
Biennial of Graphic Design
Brno, Czech Republic 2012 - Chicago Art Department
Chicago, USA 2011
Workshops & Teaching
- ABK Stuttgart
- Bauhaus University, Weimar
- Academy of Visual Arts, Frankfurt
- Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel
- Hochschule Mannheim
- The Joy of Graphic Design, Hamburg
- ADC Award, D&AD Award, DDC Award, European Design Award, iF communication design Award, Junior Corporate Design Award, Lead Award, MFG Award, Nomination for The Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany, red dot communication design Award …
Deutsche & Japaner is looking for interns half-yearly. As we’re a small team, interns become a fundamental part of our studio and hopefully good friends.
We expect you to be ambitious and passionate about creation and artistic efforts. Of course a helping hand in all studio related functions is obligatory. We understand this period of time to be a process of learning, supporting and developing in both ways.
Due to this fact we wish you to not only have you serving clients rather than to give you the opportunity to express your state of art and mind in self-initiated projects. In general it might be helpful to have a closer look at our portfolio to see if our ideas are like-minded for a promising relationship.
Internship of 6 months
The internship is paid
English is a must, knowledge
of German advantageous
Next open term:
Autumn/Winter 2025/26
(Beginning October 2025)
Application period for A/W internship:
01.06. – 30.06.2025
Please note that we’re not able to respond to internship applications outside the application periods.
Choose your most representative works and most important, the ones expressing your personality. Email us a PDF (max. 15 MB) with all information (no need of a motivation letter) and your portfolio to the following address within schedule:
The internship should take place in our studio in Mannheim and cannot be done remotely.
Please send us your application only in digital form as a PDF file (no website link) and do not send it by post.
Deutsche & Japaner GbR
Fritz-Salm-Str. 3a · 68167 Mannheim· Germany
+49 621 43766211
Represented by:
Moritz Firchow
David Wolpert
Ina Yamaguchi
Julian Zimmermann
VAT Number: VAT identification number
in accordance with section 27a of the
German VAT act: DE260648243
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Although the contents of our website have been prepared with the greatest care, we cannot assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the contents. As a service provider we are responsible in accordance with Article 7 par.1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) for own contents on these pages under the general laws. Pursuant to Articles 8 through 10 TMG however we are not under obligation as a service provider to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to search for circumstances which may point on illegal activities. Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to the general laws remain unaffected. Any liability in this respect is, however, is only possible from the moment of knowledge of a concrete infringement of rights. If we become aware of legal violations, we shall immediately remove these contents.
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Our offer contains links to external web pages of third parties, whose contents are not subject to our in uence. Therefore we cannot accept any liability for these external contents. The respective supplier or operator of the sites is always responsible for the contents of the linked websites.
The sites linked were checked for possible violations of the law at the time of the creation of the link. No unlawful contents were detected at the date of the linkage. Constant checking of the contents of the linked web pages is not reasonable without specific evidence indicating a legal infringement. When violations of rights become known, we shall remove such contents immediately.
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